Purchasing power is the number of goods/services that camn be purchased with a unit of currency. For example if you had taken ten rupees to a store in the 1950s you would have been able to buy a greater number of items than you would today indicating that you would have been able to buy a greater purchasing power in the 1950s. Currency can be either a commodity or money like gold or silver or free floating market valued currency like US dollars. As Adam smith noted having money gives on the ability to command other labour so purchasing power to some extent is power over others people to the extent that they are willing to trade their labour or goods for money or currency.
Population structure:
The population structure of a country is how it is made up of people of different ages and of males and females. The common method to show the structure is by a population pyrramid. This digram is made up by putting two bar graphs one for male one for female side by side. From this you can read off what percentage of a population us of a certain gender and age range. In then example below 4% of the population is females aged between 25 and 29..
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