This form of agricultural is found in the highly developed parts of the world e.g. North western Europe, Eastern North America parts of Eurasia and the temperate latitude of southern continent.
Mixed farms and moderate in size and usually the crops associated with it are wheat barley oats rye maize fodder and root crops. Fodder crops are an important components of mixed farming. Crop rotation and inter cropping play an important role in maintaining soil fertility. Equal emphasis is laid on crop cultivation and animal husbandry's. Animal like cattle sheep pigs and poultry provide the main income along with crops. Building extensive use of chemical fertilizer and green manures and also by the skills and expertise of the farmers.
Dairy farming:
Dairy is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals. It is highly capital intensive. Animal sheds storage facilities for fodder fedding and milching machine add to the cost of dairy farming. Special emphasis is it laid on cattle breeding health care and veterinary service.
It is highly labour intensive as it involves rigorous care in feeding and milching. There is no off season during the year as in the case of crop is practiced.mainly near urban and industrial centers which provide neighborhood markets for fresh milk and dairy products. The development of transportation, refrigeration, pasteurization,, and other preservation have increase the duration of storage of various dairy products.
There are three main regions of commercial dairy farming.the largest is north western Europe the second is Canada and the third belt includes south eastern Australia New Zealand and Tasmania.
Market gardening and horticulture:
Market gardening and horticulture specialized into the cultivation of high value crops such as vegetables fruits and flowers solely for the urban markets. Farms are small and are located where there are good transportation links with the urban centre where high income group of consumer is located. It is both labour and capital intensive and lays emphasis on the use of irrigation. HYV high yield value seeds fertilizer insecticide green houses and artificial heating in colder region's..
This type of agricultural is well developed in densely populated industrial district of north west Europe north eastern USA and the Mediterranean region. The Netherlands specialized in growing flowers and horticulture crops especially tulips which are flown to all major cities of Europe. The region where Farmer specialized in vegetables only the farming is known as truck fatming. The stance of truck farms of from the market is governed by the distance that truck can be cover over night,hence the me truck farming.
In addition to market gardening a modern development in the industrial region of Western Europe and North America is factory farming. Livestock particular poultry and cattle rearing bus done in stalls and pens fed on manufactured feed stuff and carefully supervisied against disease. This requires heavy capital investment in terms of building,machinery for various operations, veterinary service and heating and lighting. One of the important features of poultry farming and cattle rearing is breed selection and scientific breeding.....!!!
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