The demographic transition model DT is the transition high births and death rates to lowbirth and death rates as a country developed from a ore industrial to an industrialized economic system. The theoryis based on an interpretation of demographic history developed in 1929 by the American demographer Warren Thompson 1887-1973. Thomson observed changes or transition in birth and death rates in industrialized societies over the previous 200 years. Most developed countries are in stage 3 or 4 of the model the majority of developing countries have reached stage 2 or stage 3. In countries that are now developed this demographic transition began uin the 18th century d countries today.
family, world, earth, human being, majorities, flats, buildings, houses, homes,and
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
canal system of Pakistan
Canal System of Pakistan:
Canal is an artificial waterway constructed for purposes of irrigation drainage or navigation or in connection with a hydroelectricity dam..
Canal is the thing which brings river water close to the find where it is required to be.
The canals come out of rivers dams and barrages.
Types of canals:
There are three main important tpyes of canals in Pakistan.
1 perennial canals.
2 non perennial canals.
3 inundation canals.
Perennial canals:
These canals supply water throughout the year. Perennial canals are the canals that are used to supply water to the field and these are taken either from dams dams or barrages. Important perennial canals of Punjab are upper bari doab lower bari doab sidhanai canals upper and lower Chenab upper Jhelum canals originating from Trimmu headworks and canals originating from river Sutlej at ferozpur Islam suleimanki and panjnad headworks.
Non perennial canals:
These canals run during the summer and the rainy season. Sidhnai canals from the Ravi haveli canals from the Chenab and some of the Sutlej canal falls in this category.
Inundation canals:
These canals run only during the rainy season when water level in river rises. The quantity of the water they supply is uncertain. These canals like other canals are taken from the rivers but the difference is that they get weterbwhen there is a rise in the water level due to flood. Many old canals from the Indus and the Chenab fall in this category.......
irrigation sprinklers
Irrigation sprinklers:
These are sprinklers water to vegetation. Sprinklers that spray in fixed pattern are generally called sprays or spray heads. Spray are not usually designed to operate at pressure above 30psi pounds per square inch, due to misting problems that may developed.
Bigg pressure sprinklers that themselves move in a circle are driven by a ball drive gear drive or impact mechanism impact sprinklers. These can be designed to rotate in a full or partial circle.
Classifications of Canals:
The canal system consist of the following.
Main canal: Main canal takes off directly from upstream of river head works or dam. Usually no direct cultivation is proposed. Most of the main canals are aligned as contours canals to derive benifts.
Branch canal: All off takes from a main canal or with head discharge of 14-15 causes and above are termed as branch canals.
Major Distributaries:
All off takes from a main canal or branch canal with head discharge lesser than 15 causes are termed as major distributaries.
Minor Distributaries:
All off takes from major distributaries serving more than 40.47 hectares are termed as minor distributaries. They are named after a prominent place near about their tails end.
purchasing power
Purchasing power:
Purchasing power is the number of goods/services that camn be purchased with a unit of currency. For example if you had taken ten rupees to a store in the 1950s you would have been able to buy a greater number of items than you would today indicating that you would have been able to buy a greater purchasing power in the 1950s. Currency can be either a commodity or money like gold or silver or free floating market valued currency like US dollars. As Adam smith noted having money gives on the ability to command other labour so purchasing power to some extent is power over others people to the extent that they are willing to trade their labour or goods for money or currency.
Population structure:
The population structure of a country is how it is made up of people of different ages and of males and females. The common method to show the structure is by a population pyrramid. This digram is made up by putting two bar graphs one for male one for female side by side. From this you can read off what percentage of a population us of a certain gender and age range. In then example below 4% of the population is females aged between 25 and 29..
Monday, 27 June 2016
alternative energy resources
Alternative energy resources:
Alternative energy resources includes ethanol wind power and solar power. All of these produce fewer green house gases than oil or coal and when more developed could help the nations to be less dependent on other countries that produce more oil.
For then most part however alternative energy sources have not been developed to the point where they could produce energy as cheaply or efficiently as can be done with oil natural gas or coal.
World energy consumption:
Every minute about 272400 MWh energy is being used in the world. It means we use about 392,267520 MWh energy a day out of which about 87% from non renewable resources and 13% from renewable resources.
In 2008 energy supply by power source was oil 33.5% coal 26.8% gas 20.8% fossil 81% other hydro part solar wind geothermal power biofuels etc. 12.9% and nuclear 5.8%. Oil was the most popular energy fuel. Oil and coal combined represented over 60% of the world energy supply in 2008.
Saturday, 25 June 2016
the karez
The karez:
Drip irrigation;
It is also known as trickle irrigation or micro irrigation. It is an irrigation method that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants either on to the soil surface or directly onto the root zone through a network of valves pipes tubing and emitters. It is done through narrow tubes that deliver water directly to the base of the plant. Sprinkles that spray in a fixed pattern are generally called sprays heads. Sparys are not usually designed to operate at pressure above 30psi pounds per square inch due to maintained problems that may developed
Higher pressure sprinklers that themselves move in a circle are driven by a ball drive gear drive or impact mechanism impact sprinklers. These can be designed to rotate in full or partial circles...!!!
West of Indus plain and out 9f monsoon zone is Baluchistan which receives very low rainfall annually. But innumerable natural springs known as karez are found in most of the areas. The ancient karez system is comprised of a series of wells and linking underground channels that uses gravity to bring ground water to the surface usually far from the source. The people ingeniously created the karez to draw the under ground water to irrigate the farmland...
Drip irrigation;
It is also known as trickle irrigation or micro irrigation. It is an irrigation method that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants either on to the soil surface or directly onto the root zone through a network of valves pipes tubing and emitters. It is done through narrow tubes that deliver water directly to the base of the plant. Sprinkles that spray in a fixed pattern are generally called sprays heads. Sparys are not usually designed to operate at pressure above 30psi pounds per square inch due to maintained problems that may developed
Higher pressure sprinklers that themselves move in a circle are driven by a ball drive gear drive or impact mechanism impact sprinklers. These can be designed to rotate in full or partial circles...!!!
Friday, 24 June 2016
the salt range and the potwar plateau:
The salt range and the potwar plateau:
The salt range in the jogi tilla NAD bakrala ridges near Jhelum and runs south west to the north of the river jhelum for some distance before turning north west to cross the indus near kalabagh. The average height of the range is about 2,200 feet but near sakesar it rises to about 5000 feet above sea level. There Are a number of shallow basin and salt lakes. While it is less impressive in the north it presents a steep face of bare rocks salt and other minerals like gypsum and coal are found in this range.
North of the salt range lies the potwar plateau the height of which varies from 1000 to 2000 feet above sea level. A large part of the plateau has been dissected and eroded by the action of running water and it present a verid landscape . During the rains the stresams cut down into e land and wash away the fertile soil...
The salt range in the jogi tilla NAD bakrala ridges near Jhelum and runs south west to the north of the river jhelum for some distance before turning north west to cross the indus near kalabagh. The average height of the range is about 2,200 feet but near sakesar it rises to about 5000 feet above sea level. There Are a number of shallow basin and salt lakes. While it is less impressive in the north it presents a steep face of bare rocks salt and other minerals like gypsum and coal are found in this range.
North of the salt range lies the potwar plateau the height of which varies from 1000 to 2000 feet above sea level. A large part of the plateau has been dissected and eroded by the action of running water and it present a verid landscape . During the rains the stresams cut down into e land and wash away the fertile soil...
the Indus river plain (Indus river)
Indus river Plain ( Indus valley):
The Indus plain is Pakistan most prosperous agricultural region and a large fertile alluvial plain formed by silt brought from the river Indus. It covers an area of 518,000 square km with a gentle slope from the Himalayan Piedmont in he north to the Arabian sea in the south. The length of the Indus valley along the course of the Indus is about 1,600 km sq and the catchments area of the Indus is estimated at almost 1 million square kilometers. As it is dranied by the Indus and its tributaries it is usually called the plain. The average gradient of the slope is not more than 1 meters per 5 km. Except for the micro relief the plain is featureless. It is boreded on the west by the Suleiman and kirthar mountain on the north by the salt range and on the east by the thar dessert. The Indus plain was inhabited by agricultural civilization for at least 5000 years. It is divisible into two sections the upper and lower Indus plain on account of their differing physiographic features. The width of the plain in the Punjab is about 350 km and in Sindh about 200 km. In the south the Indus delta is a wild waste. When high tides and Indus floods coincide the littoral is flooded for some 30 km inland. The dessert located in Indus plain are thal now through canal irrigation the most part has been converted into agricultural land Thar and cholistan. The Indus plain is divided into three regions :
The upper Indus plain most of Punjab the lower Indus plain lower Punjab and Sindh and deltaic area.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
world population
Population studies and it's importance:
Demography helps in the understanding of population problems particularly of the less developed regions of the world. It also helps in planning the population of developed and undeveloped countries. The chief problem concerning population in a country is to control population growth in correlation with the growth of health amenities food supplies employment education and housing. In the brief the following may be noted about the importance of demography.
Health planning.
Persistent high fertility causes significant health problem both for the mother and the child. In the !most of the developing countries married women's are characterized by continuous nutritional drain from repeated pregnancies. Since demography studies fertility and connected problems therefore its study is a must for health planning of the country.
Planning of food supply.
Planning of food supply means availability of adequate food for total population both in quality as well as in quantity. Inadequate food supply results in growth retardation high mortality rates poor hell low physical activity and consequently low productivity. There fore food supply !must grow in correlation with population growth. Thus planning of food for require and presupposes population studies.
Planning of employment.
Employment is an international problem these days. Unemployment and under development is fast growing not only into the economically backward countries but also in more developed nations. A demographic factor of considerable importance is in the high dependency ratio in less developed countries such as Pakistan and India where four or five persons depend upon the income of one person. There fore employment planning require study of population in all its aspect..
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
solar energy
Solar energy:
Heat under the ground used to heat water and make steam to turn generator turbine and make electricity.
Super heated water or stream from earth interior utilized in running the turbines of a conventional power plant to generated electricity.
Such plant are usually small and suitable only for the needs of a local community Iceland Italy New Zealand Russia and US are among the few countries having the right sized geothermal energy fields.!!!!
Solar energy technologies include solar heating solar photovoltaic solar thermal electricity and solar architecture which can make considerable contributions in solving some of the most urgent problems the word is now facing. The international energy agency projected that solar power could provide a third of the global final energy demd after 2060 while carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced to very low levels.
Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way the capture convert and distributed solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels Nelli's Solar power plant in the United's States one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in North America and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the sun selecting with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties and designing spaces that naturally circulates air.
Heat under the ground used to heat water and make steam to turn generator turbine and make electricity.
Super heated water or stream from earth interior utilized in running the turbines of a conventional power plant to generated electricity.
Such plant are usually small and suitable only for the needs of a local community Iceland Italy New Zealand Russia and US are among the few countries having the right sized geothermal energy fields.!!!!
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Hydro electricity:
Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower the production of electrical power through the usebof the gravitational force of falling through dam or flowing water rumn of the river. It is the most widely used from of renewable energy accounting for 16 percent of global electricity consumption and 3,427 terawatt hours of electricity production in 2010 which continue the rapid of increase experienced between 2003 and 2009.
Hydropower is produced in 150 countries with the Asia Pacific region generating 32 percent of global hydropower in 2010 China is the largest hydroelectricity producer with 721 terawatt hours of production in 2010 representing around 17 percent of domestic electricity use. There are now three hydroelectricity plants larger than 10GW: Three Gorges dam in China, Itaipu dam in Brazil and Guri dam in Venezuela.
Wind power:
Wind power is growing at the rate of 30% annually with a worldwide installed capacity of 238,351 megawatts MW at the end of 2011 and is widely used in Europe Asia and the United's States. Several countries have achieved relatively high levels of wind power penetration such as 21% of stationary electricity production in Denmark 18% in Portugal 16% in Spain 14% in Ireland and 9% in Germany in 2010. As of 2011 83 countries around the world are using wind power on a commercial basis.
Monday, 20 June 2016
nuclear power
Nuclear power:
Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Nuclear power plants provided about 6% of the words energy and 1314% of the worlds electricity with the U.S., France ,and Japan together accounting for about 50% of nuclear generated electricity. In 2009 the IAEA reported there were 439 nuclear power reactors in operations in the world...
selected industries
Iron and Steel industry:
Iron and steel although closely related are not the same things. Iron being as iron ore which is melted in a blast furance and blown through with air. Then it is manipulated so as to limit its content of carbon and other impurities. Steel is a particular kind of iron that has approximately one percent carbon with the carbon content spread throughout the metal evenly. Steels is harder than iron and does not trust easily. However steel was harder to make than iron.
Major factors for industrial location:
Raw material: Raw iron ore,coal and limestone.
The raw ore is removed from the earth and sized into pieces that range from 0.5 to 1.5 inches. There are four main types of iron ore deposits worked currently. These are magnetite goethite/limonite, hematite and siderite ironestone deposit. Currently magnetite iron ore is mained in Mesabi range Minnesota and Michigan in the U.S. Lorraine in France eastern Canada and in Brazil which exports significant quantities to Asia and there is a larger magnetite iron ore industry in Australia. Hematite is currently exploited on all continents except Antarctica with the largest intensity in south America Australia and Asia . A few iron ore deposits notably in Chile are formed from volcanic flows containing significant accumulation of magnetite. Chilean magnetite in iron ore deposit within the Atacama dessert have also formed alluvial accumulation of magnetite in streams leading from these volcanic formation. There are several granite associated deposit of this nature in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Coal and lime stone are two other important raw material for iron making.
Availability of water and large tracts of land:
Water is required for cooling and washing. Thus the nearness to a river lake or a coastal site is necessary for industry. Large tracts of level land are also necessary for the iron and steel works as the various operations connected with production of iron and steel cannot be carried on in a limited area. For example the steels mill of Karachi covers an area of 18,623 acres of land.
fish farming
Fish farming:
Fish farming is the principal from of aquaculture while other methods any may fall under Mari culture. It involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures usually for food. Fish species continents raised by fish farms include Atlantic, salmon,crap,tilapia,catfish,trout and others. Increase demands on wild alternative solution to the increase market demand for fish and fish protein.
Economic importance of fresh water fisheries:
Some fisheries such as the great lakes in North America and lake Victoria in Africa support a commercial harvest that is exposed and marketed away from the source. Other fisheries produce large quantities of fish but most or all of the catch is consumed locally so the economic importance is harder measure. Examples of the latter include the Amazon and its tributaries in South America the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) in China the tonle Sap River in Cambodia and the Mekong River in Vietnam.
Steelhead trout are one of the important cold water fish species in Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan steelheads are wild hybrids. Fish from the Amazon also is an important export to Asian countries especially Japan .
Threats to fresh water fisheries:
Worldwide all fisheries are threatened by various factors. Pollution loss of habitat invasive species parasites illegal fishing methods depleted wild and over fishing are some of the more serious threats.
Fish farming is the principal from of aquaculture while other methods any may fall under Mari culture. It involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures usually for food. Fish species continents raised by fish farms include Atlantic, salmon,crap,tilapia,catfish,trout and others. Increase demands on wild alternative solution to the increase market demand for fish and fish protein.
Economic importance of fresh water fisheries:
Some fisheries such as the great lakes in North America and lake Victoria in Africa support a commercial harvest that is exposed and marketed away from the source. Other fisheries produce large quantities of fish but most or all of the catch is consumed locally so the economic importance is harder measure. Examples of the latter include the Amazon and its tributaries in South America the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) in China the tonle Sap River in Cambodia and the Mekong River in Vietnam.
Steelhead trout are one of the important cold water fish species in Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan steelheads are wild hybrids. Fish from the Amazon also is an important export to Asian countries especially Japan .
Threats to fresh water fisheries:
Worldwide all fisheries are threatened by various factors. Pollution loss of habitat invasive species parasites illegal fishing methods depleted wild and over fishing are some of the more serious threats.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
According to the FAO , aquaculture is understood to mean the farming of aquatic organism of aquatic organism such as fish molluscs and aquatic plants. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and SALT water population under controlled conditions and can be contrasted with commercial fishing which is the harvesting of wild fish. Mari culture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine enviroments. Particular kinds of aquaculture include fish farming shrimp farming sandworm farming oyster farming alga culture such as seaweed farming and the cultivation of ornamental fish.On particular methods includen aquaponics hydro ponics which integrates fish farming and plant farming...
According to the FAO , aquaculture is understood to mean the farming of aquatic organism of aquatic organism such as fish molluscs and aquatic plants. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and SALT water population under controlled conditions and can be contrasted with commercial fishing which is the harvesting of wild fish. Mari culture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine enviroments. Particular kinds of aquaculture include fish farming shrimp farming sandworm farming oyster farming alga culture such as seaweed farming and the cultivation of ornamental fish.On particular methods includen aquaponics hydro ponics which integrates fish farming and plant farming...
bank fishing
Banks are the plate on the continental shelves. These banks have a no.of advantages for being popular as most suitable fishing areas. Nearest to coast negligible traffic and pollution provision of photosynthesis for plankton growth and bulk fishing are some of them .
Some important banks famous for commercial fishing:
The Agulhas bank is a board shallow part of the southern African Continental shelf which extends 250 km. It is the ocean region where the warm Indians oceans And cold Atlantic ocean meet. And, meeting of the oceans here also fuels the nutrients cycles for marine life making it one off the best fishing grounds in south Africa.
The dogger bank is a large bank with sand floor in a shallow area if the north sea about 100 km off the east coast of England. It extends over approximately 17, with its dimension being about 260 km long and up to 98 km board. It is a product fishing bank with cod and herring being caught in large nu!ers. This bank has been identified as an oceanic environment that exhibits high primary productivity throughout the year in the form of phytoplankton.
Friday, 17 June 2016
deep sea fishing
Deep sea fishing:
Deep sea fishing or off shore is generally considered to be that which takes place where water is close to 100 feet deep or when a boat is not easily visible from shore. This definition includes more commercial fishing. In the world there are several key regions were deep sea fishing is most popular. The coastal region of new England includes areas off Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine as major deep sea fishing. Likewise south Caroline and Florida offer warmer waters on a America eastern shore. The gulf of mexico is another major destination accessible from texas . Many species can be caught while deepn sea fishing including tuna,marlin,sailfish,mahi-mahi dolphin fish, striped bass,haddrock,barracuda,snapper,salmon,shark,bluefish,and many more.!!!!!
Many different types boat are used in deep sea fishing. As an rules they are larger than boats used for fishing in rivers or on lakes since they must travel greater distance and stand up to more servere conditions. Navigation system and sziable storage tanks for the latrge fish that might be caught are common equipment on deep sea fishing sea...
Deep sea fishing or off shore is generally considered to be that which takes place where water is close to 100 feet deep or when a boat is not easily visible from shore. This definition includes more commercial fishing. In the world there are several key regions were deep sea fishing is most popular. The coastal region of new England includes areas off Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine as major deep sea fishing. Likewise south Caroline and Florida offer warmer waters on a America eastern shore. The gulf of mexico is another major destination accessible from texas . Many species can be caught while deepn sea fishing including tuna,marlin,sailfish,mahi-mahi dolphin fish, striped bass,haddrock,barracuda,snapper,salmon,shark,bluefish,and many more.!!!!!
Many different types boat are used in deep sea fishing. As an rules they are larger than boats used for fishing in rivers or on lakes since they must travel greater distance and stand up to more servere conditions. Navigation system and sziable storage tanks for the latrge fish that might be caught are common equipment on deep sea fishing sea...
world population
World population:
The world population is the sum of all humans on the earth. The united States census bureau (uscb) estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on march 12 2012. The world's population is growing by nearly 80 million people per year. While population growth rates have slowed since THIER peak in the 1960s the number being added to population each year continue to be huge in part because of the growth in the number of people of reproductive age. At current rates of birth and death the world population is oin a trajectory to double in 49 years.
Basic Definition & Terminologies:
The study of population statistics and trend such as birth death and age structure.
Birth rate or Crude birth date:
The number of live birth per 1000 individuals annually within a population.
Death rate or Crude date rate:
The number of death perb1000 individual annually within a population.
Growth rate:
The number of person added to oor subtracted from a population in a year due to natural increase and net migration expressed as a percentages of the populations at the beginning of the time pere.
The average annual percent change in the population resulting from a sulphur or deficitvof birth over deaths and the balance of migrants entering and leaving a country. The rate may be positive or negative.
Growing rate=birth%-death% +or -net migration.
The world population is the sum of all humans on the earth. The united States census bureau (uscb) estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on march 12 2012. The world's population is growing by nearly 80 million people per year. While population growth rates have slowed since THIER peak in the 1960s the number being added to population each year continue to be huge in part because of the growth in the number of people of reproductive age. At current rates of birth and death the world population is oin a trajectory to double in 49 years.
Basic Definition & Terminologies:
The study of population statistics and trend such as birth death and age structure.
Birth rate or Crude birth date:
The number of live birth per 1000 individuals annually within a population.
Death rate or Crude date rate:
The number of death perb1000 individual annually within a population.
Growth rate:
The number of person added to oor subtracted from a population in a year due to natural increase and net migration expressed as a percentages of the populations at the beginning of the time pere.
The average annual percent change in the population resulting from a sulphur or deficitvof birth over deaths and the balance of migrants entering and leaving a country. The rate may be positive or negative.
Growing rate=birth%-death% +or -net migration.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
The organization of the petroleum countries founded In September 1960 in Baghdad Iraq. The founder members were Iran Iraq Kuwait Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Now in 2012 the twelve countries associated with this organization are Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran ,Iraq, Kuwait,Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the united Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. OPEC has had is headquarters in bieena since 1965 and hosts regular meetings among the oil minister of its member countries. Indonesia withdraw in 2008 after it became a net importer of oil.
OPEC was found to unify and coordinate members petroleum policies. One of the principal goals is the determination of the best means of ensuring the stabilization of prices imn international oil markets with a view to eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations giving due to regards at all time to the interest of the producing nations and to the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing countries an efficient and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations and a fair return on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.
According too current estimates more than 80% of the world proven oil reserves are located in OPEC member countries with the bulk of OPEC oil reserves in the recent years for example by adopting best practices in the industry realizing intensive exploration and enhancing recoveries. As a result OPEC 's proven oil reserves currently stand at 1,199.71 billion barrels.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
classifications of environment
Classification of environment:
Natural environment:
All living and non living things that occur naturally on The earth and the conditions of whether and climate.
Physical environment:
Physical environment describes the stuff the earth is made from and how it behaves aganiag and in favour of human activity it includes complete ecological units that function as natural system without massive human intervention including all flora funa soil rocks atmosphere and natural phenomena that occur with in THIER boundaries.
All the plant life an particular region or period or
The complete system of vegetables species growing without cultivation in a given locality region or period.
Types of flora:
Forest: A forests is an area with a high density of trees. There are many definition of a forest based on the various criteria. Forests cover approximately 9.4% of the earth surface or 30% of total land area though once covered much more about 50% of the total land area.
Grassland are areas where the vegetation is dominated by grasses and other herbaceous non woody plants. Grassland occur naturally on all continent expect Antarctica.!!!!
Natural environment:
All living and non living things that occur naturally on The earth and the conditions of whether and climate.
Physical environment:
Physical environment describes the stuff the earth is made from and how it behaves aganiag and in favour of human activity it includes complete ecological units that function as natural system without massive human intervention including all flora funa soil rocks atmosphere and natural phenomena that occur with in THIER boundaries.
All the plant life an particular region or period or
The complete system of vegetables species growing without cultivation in a given locality region or period.
Types of flora:
Forest: A forests is an area with a high density of trees. There are many definition of a forest based on the various criteria. Forests cover approximately 9.4% of the earth surface or 30% of total land area though once covered much more about 50% of the total land area.
Grassland are areas where the vegetation is dominated by grasses and other herbaceous non woody plants. Grassland occur naturally on all continent expect Antarctica.!!!!
environment & its impact on human behavior
Environmental geography:
Environmental geography is the branch of geography the spatial aspects of interaction between human and the natural world. It require an understanding of the traditional aspects of physical humans geography as well as the ways in which human societies conceptualized the environment.
Environmental geography has emerged as a bridge between human and physical geography as a result of the increasing specialization of the two sub fields. Further more as human relationship with the environment has changed as a result of globalization and technological change new approach was needed to understand the changing and dynamic relationship.
Environment is one of the most important issues of the world for last forty years green house effect ozone layers depletion CFC melting of glaciers etc are the hot issues for last few decades.
Environment means all of the outside forces events and things that act on a thing. A man environment is made up of everything that surrounds him including houses building people animals land temperature water light and other living and non living things. Environment can be defined as An environment is what surround a thing or an item.
The totality of our surrounding is called our environment.
Environmental geography is the branch of geography the spatial aspects of interaction between human and the natural world. It require an understanding of the traditional aspects of physical humans geography as well as the ways in which human societies conceptualized the environment.
Environmental geography has emerged as a bridge between human and physical geography as a result of the increasing specialization of the two sub fields. Further more as human relationship with the environment has changed as a result of globalization and technological change new approach was needed to understand the changing and dynamic relationship.
Environment is one of the most important issues of the world for last forty years green house effect ozone layers depletion CFC melting of glaciers etc are the hot issues for last few decades.
Environment means all of the outside forces events and things that act on a thing. A man environment is made up of everything that surrounds him including houses building people animals land temperature water light and other living and non living things. Environment can be defined as An environment is what surround a thing or an item.
The totality of our surrounding is called our environment.
Monday, 13 June 2016
mustard or rape seed
Mustard or rape seed:
It is very widely grown. It is a winter crop. Generally it is grown in association with other crop like wheat. But it matures earlier than wheat. Oil is obtained from the seeds. It is mainly used for cooking. The chief producing countries are india,Pakistan and Western European countries.
Sesame seed:
Oil extracted from the seeds. It require moderate temperature about 21° to 23°c. The rainfall for its well growth must be between 20 to 25 inches. It grown well in light loamy soils. It is used for cooking oil. The leading producers are India,Mexico's and China.
Sunflower is one of the most important annual crops grown for edible oil purpose in the world next to soybean and pm oil. It has 40 50 percent oil in it's seed. The seed are consumed as human food as roasted nuts and nut meats besides extensive use as bird food. It has several advantage such as high yield potential matures in 90 to 120 days drought tolerant tolerate insects and disease iy grows in poor and well drained soil and rich in edible oil and protein. It is cultivated latrgelyin subtropical and warm temperature countries. It can be grown by rotation with wheat and cotton. It require high temperature and moderate rainfall.
The oil is of good and is used mainly for cooking. It cake is rich in digestible protein and fee from toxic elements which make it extremely useful for poultry and livestock. Due to short growth period sunflower has proved a very suitable crop. In tropical areas two crops are grown one in spring and other in autumn.....
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Forests are the densely populated areas of ttrees they are the association of plants predominantly same kind of trees.
Original forests covered about 50 percent of the land area of the earth. Man is so carelessly distracted the forests that they now cover only about 30 percent ofyhe world. Through the ages man was compelled to look to the forest for his shelter and fuel. With the passage of time new uses are being found directly and indirectly both ways which have modified it's importance.
Forests are the densely populated areas of ttrees they are the association of plants predominantly same kind of trees.
Original forests covered about 50 percent of the land area of the earth. Man is so carelessly distracted the forests that they now cover only about 30 percent ofyhe world. Through the ages man was compelled to look to the forest for his shelter and fuel. With the passage of time new uses are being found directly and indirectly both ways which have modified it's importance.
agricultural types practiced in the world
Mixed farming:
This form of agricultural is found in the highly developed parts of the world e.g. North western Europe, Eastern North America parts of Eurasia and the temperate latitude of southern continent.
Mixed farms and moderate in size and usually the crops associated with it are wheat barley oats rye maize fodder and root crops. Fodder crops are an important components of mixed farming. Crop rotation and inter cropping play an important role in maintaining soil fertility. Equal emphasis is laid on crop cultivation and animal husbandry's. Animal like cattle sheep pigs and poultry provide the main income along with crops. Building extensive use of chemical fertilizer and green manures and also by the skills and expertise of the farmers.
Dairy farming:
Dairy is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals. It is highly capital intensive. Animal sheds storage facilities for fodder fedding and milching machine add to the cost of dairy farming. Special emphasis is it laid on cattle breeding health care and veterinary service.
It is highly labour intensive as it involves rigorous care in feeding and milching. There is no off season during the year as in the case of crop is practiced.mainly near urban and industrial centers which provide neighborhood markets for fresh milk and dairy products. The development of transportation, refrigeration, pasteurization,, and other preservation have increase the duration of storage of various dairy products.
There are three main regions of commercial dairy farming.the largest is north western Europe the second is Canada and the third belt includes south eastern Australia New Zealand and Tasmania.
Market gardening and horticulture:
Market gardening and horticulture specialized into the cultivation of high value crops such as vegetables fruits and flowers solely for the urban markets. Farms are small and are located where there are good transportation links with the urban centre where high income group of consumer is located. It is both labour and capital intensive and lays emphasis on the use of irrigation. HYV high yield value seeds fertilizer insecticide green houses and artificial heating in colder region's..
This type of agricultural is well developed in densely populated industrial district of north west Europe north eastern USA and the Mediterranean region. The Netherlands specialized in growing flowers and horticulture crops especially tulips which are flown to all major cities of Europe. The region where Farmer specialized in vegetables only the farming is known as truck fatming. The stance of truck farms of from the market is governed by the distance that truck can be cover over night,hence the me truck farming.
In addition to market gardening a modern development in the industrial region of Western Europe and North America is factory farming. Livestock particular poultry and cattle rearing bus done in stalls and pens fed on manufactured feed stuff and carefully supervisied against disease. This requires heavy capital investment in terms of building,machinery for various operations, veterinary service and heating and lighting. One of the important features of poultry farming and cattle rearing is breed selection and scientific breeding.....!!!
This form of agricultural is found in the highly developed parts of the world e.g. North western Europe, Eastern North America parts of Eurasia and the temperate latitude of southern continent.
Mixed farms and moderate in size and usually the crops associated with it are wheat barley oats rye maize fodder and root crops. Fodder crops are an important components of mixed farming. Crop rotation and inter cropping play an important role in maintaining soil fertility. Equal emphasis is laid on crop cultivation and animal husbandry's. Animal like cattle sheep pigs and poultry provide the main income along with crops. Building extensive use of chemical fertilizer and green manures and also by the skills and expertise of the farmers.
Dairy farming:
Dairy is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milch animals. It is highly capital intensive. Animal sheds storage facilities for fodder fedding and milching machine add to the cost of dairy farming. Special emphasis is it laid on cattle breeding health care and veterinary service.
It is highly labour intensive as it involves rigorous care in feeding and milching. There is no off season during the year as in the case of crop is practiced.mainly near urban and industrial centers which provide neighborhood markets for fresh milk and dairy products. The development of transportation, refrigeration, pasteurization,, and other preservation have increase the duration of storage of various dairy products.
There are three main regions of commercial dairy farming.the largest is north western Europe the second is Canada and the third belt includes south eastern Australia New Zealand and Tasmania.
Market gardening and horticulture:
Market gardening and horticulture specialized into the cultivation of high value crops such as vegetables fruits and flowers solely for the urban markets. Farms are small and are located where there are good transportation links with the urban centre where high income group of consumer is located. It is both labour and capital intensive and lays emphasis on the use of irrigation. HYV high yield value seeds fertilizer insecticide green houses and artificial heating in colder region's..
This type of agricultural is well developed in densely populated industrial district of north west Europe north eastern USA and the Mediterranean region. The Netherlands specialized in growing flowers and horticulture crops especially tulips which are flown to all major cities of Europe. The region where Farmer specialized in vegetables only the farming is known as truck fatming. The stance of truck farms of from the market is governed by the distance that truck can be cover over night,hence the me truck farming.
In addition to market gardening a modern development in the industrial region of Western Europe and North America is factory farming. Livestock particular poultry and cattle rearing bus done in stalls and pens fed on manufactured feed stuff and carefully supervisied against disease. This requires heavy capital investment in terms of building,machinery for various operations, veterinary service and heating and lighting. One of the important features of poultry farming and cattle rearing is breed selection and scientific breeding.....!!!
environmental impact assessment
Environmental impact assessment:
An environmental impact assessment EIA of the possible impact positive or negative that a proposed project may have on the environment together of the natural social and economic aspects.
The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the ensuing environmental impact when deciding whether to proceed with a project. The International Association for Impact Assessment IAIA defines an environmental impact assessment as the process of identifying predicting evaluating and decreasing he biophysical social and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decision being taken and commitments made...
The Need for Environmental Assessment:
Economic social and environmental changes are inherent to development. In order to predict environmental impacts of any development activity and to provide on opportunity to mitigate against negative impacts and enhance positive impacts the environmental impact assessment EIA producers was developed in the 1970s..
An EIA may be defined as:
"A formal process to predict environmental consequence of human development activities and to plan appropriate measure to eliminate effects and to enhance positive effects."
EIA thus has three main functions:
To predict problems
To find ways to avoid them and
To enhance positive effects
The third function is of particular importance. This EIA provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate ways in which the environment may be improved as part of the development process. The EIA also predicts the conflict and constraints between the propose project programme or sectoral plan and its environment. It provides an opportunity for mitigation measure to be incorporated to minimize problems. It enables monitoring programmes to be established to assess future impacts ad provide data on which managers can take decision to avoid environmental damage.
Consumption population technology resources:
A major of human impact on earth systems is the destruction of biophysical resources and especially the earth ecosystem. The total environmental impact of a community or of humankind as whole depends both on population and impact per person which in turn depends in complex ways on what resources Are being used whether or not those resources are renewable and the scale of the human activity relative to the carring capacity of the ecosystem involved. Careful resources management can be applied at many scales from economic sector like agricultural manufacturing and construction to work organization the consumption pattern of household and individuals and to the resources demand of individual good and service. On the initial attempt to express human impact mathematically was developed in the 1970s and is called the IPAT formula. This formulation attempts to explain human consumption in the term of three components; population number, levels of consumption affluence, and impact per unit of resources use which is termed technology because this impact depends on the technology used. The equation is expressed:
Where:I = Environmental impact, P=Population, A=Affluence, T=Technology.
An environmental impact assessment EIA of the possible impact positive or negative that a proposed project may have on the environment together of the natural social and economic aspects.
The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the ensuing environmental impact when deciding whether to proceed with a project. The International Association for Impact Assessment IAIA defines an environmental impact assessment as the process of identifying predicting evaluating and decreasing he biophysical social and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decision being taken and commitments made...
The Need for Environmental Assessment:
Economic social and environmental changes are inherent to development. In order to predict environmental impacts of any development activity and to provide on opportunity to mitigate against negative impacts and enhance positive impacts the environmental impact assessment EIA producers was developed in the 1970s..
An EIA may be defined as:
"A formal process to predict environmental consequence of human development activities and to plan appropriate measure to eliminate effects and to enhance positive effects."
EIA thus has three main functions:
To predict problems
To find ways to avoid them and
To enhance positive effects
The third function is of particular importance. This EIA provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate ways in which the environment may be improved as part of the development process. The EIA also predicts the conflict and constraints between the propose project programme or sectoral plan and its environment. It provides an opportunity for mitigation measure to be incorporated to minimize problems. It enables monitoring programmes to be established to assess future impacts ad provide data on which managers can take decision to avoid environmental damage.
Consumption population technology resources:
A major of human impact on earth systems is the destruction of biophysical resources and especially the earth ecosystem. The total environmental impact of a community or of humankind as whole depends both on population and impact per person which in turn depends in complex ways on what resources Are being used whether or not those resources are renewable and the scale of the human activity relative to the carring capacity of the ecosystem involved. Careful resources management can be applied at many scales from economic sector like agricultural manufacturing and construction to work organization the consumption pattern of household and individuals and to the resources demand of individual good and service. On the initial attempt to express human impact mathematically was developed in the 1970s and is called the IPAT formula. This formulation attempts to explain human consumption in the term of three components; population number, levels of consumption affluence, and impact per unit of resources use which is termed technology because this impact depends on the technology used. The equation is expressed:
Where:I = Environmental impact, P=Population, A=Affluence, T=Technology.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Indus water treaty
Indus water treaty:
In 1947when Punjab was divided between the two countries many of the canal head works remained with India. The division of Punjab thus created major problems for irrigation in Pakistan.
On April 1 1948 India stopped the supply of water of Pakistan from every canal flowing from India to Pakistan. Pakistan protested and India finally agreed on an interim agreement on may 4 1948. This agreement was not a permanent solution therefore Pakistan approach the world bank in 1952 to help Settle the problem permanently. It was finally in ayub khan regime that an agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in September 1960. This agreement is known as the Indus of river and canals between the two countries. Pakistan obtained exclusive right for the three western rivers namely Indus, Jehlum and Chenab. And India retained rights to the three eastern rivers namely Ravi, Beas and and Sutlej. The treaty also guaranteed ten years of uninterrupted water supply. During this period Pakistan was to build huge dams financed partly by long term world bank loans and compensation money from india. Two multipurpose dams Mangla, and Tarbela were built. A system of eight link canals was also built and the remodeling of existing canals was carried out. Five barrages and a gated siphon mailsi were also costructed under this treaty...
The punjab rivers and barrages/head work;
Indus. Chashma IWT Taunsa
Jhelum. Rasul IWT
Chenab. Marala IWT Khanki Qadirabad IWT Trimmu.
Ravi. Balloki, Sidhnai IWT
Sutlej. Sulaimanki, Islam
Punjnad. Punjnad.
In 1947when Punjab was divided between the two countries many of the canal head works remained with India. The division of Punjab thus created major problems for irrigation in Pakistan.
On April 1 1948 India stopped the supply of water of Pakistan from every canal flowing from India to Pakistan. Pakistan protested and India finally agreed on an interim agreement on may 4 1948. This agreement was not a permanent solution therefore Pakistan approach the world bank in 1952 to help Settle the problem permanently. It was finally in ayub khan regime that an agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in September 1960. This agreement is known as the Indus of river and canals between the two countries. Pakistan obtained exclusive right for the three western rivers namely Indus, Jehlum and Chenab. And India retained rights to the three eastern rivers namely Ravi, Beas and and Sutlej. The treaty also guaranteed ten years of uninterrupted water supply. During this period Pakistan was to build huge dams financed partly by long term world bank loans and compensation money from india. Two multipurpose dams Mangla, and Tarbela were built. A system of eight link canals was also built and the remodeling of existing canals was carried out. Five barrages and a gated siphon mailsi were also costructed under this treaty...
The punjab rivers and barrages/head work;
Indus. Chashma IWT Taunsa
Jhelum. Rasul IWT
Chenab. Marala IWT Khanki Qadirabad IWT Trimmu.
Ravi. Balloki, Sidhnai IWT
Sutlej. Sulaimanki, Islam
Punjnad. Punjnad.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
human resources
Human resources:
Human resources mean no of people available to perform ajob or work. Human resources is a renewable natural resources. We can classify into the following.
Hi tech qualified professional
Skilled labour
Semi skilled labour
Non skilled labour..
Human resources management HRM: In simple words HRM means employing people developed their capacities utilizing maintaining and compensating their service in tune with the job and organizational requirements.
Human resources management HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of work place management than the traditional approach. As such HRM techniques when property practiced are expressive of the goals and opreating practice of the enterprise overall.HRM s also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organization.
The evolving occupational structure of the world:
People are the engaged in a variety of commercial activities in the world. Before the beginning of civilization man was engaged in only one primitive activity food gathering.
Then with the advancement in cultivation a civoilized life began. He then started to make tools and to exchange goods. As life became complex,more activities were added.
The distribution of the work face among the three sectors progresses through different stages as follows according of fourastie.
First phase : Traditional cultivation.
Primary sector 70%
Secondary sector 20%
Tertiary sector 10%
Second phase : Transitional period.
Secondary sector 50%
Tertiary sector 30%
Third phase: Tertiary a civilization.
Primary sector 10%
Secondary sector 20%
Tertiary sector 70%!!!!!!!
Human resources mean no of people available to perform ajob or work. Human resources is a renewable natural resources. We can classify into the following.
Hi tech qualified professional
Skilled labour
Semi skilled labour
Non skilled labour..
Human resources management HRM: In simple words HRM means employing people developed their capacities utilizing maintaining and compensating their service in tune with the job and organizational requirements.
Human resources management HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of work place management than the traditional approach. As such HRM techniques when property practiced are expressive of the goals and opreating practice of the enterprise overall.HRM s also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organization.
The evolving occupational structure of the world:
People are the engaged in a variety of commercial activities in the world. Before the beginning of civilization man was engaged in only one primitive activity food gathering.
Then with the advancement in cultivation a civoilized life began. He then started to make tools and to exchange goods. As life became complex,more activities were added.
The distribution of the work face among the three sectors progresses through different stages as follows according of fourastie.
First phase : Traditional cultivation.
Primary sector 70%
Secondary sector 20%
Tertiary sector 10%
Second phase : Transitional period.
Secondary sector 50%
Tertiary sector 30%
Third phase: Tertiary a civilization.
Primary sector 10%
Secondary sector 20%
Tertiary sector 70%!!!!!!!
natural gas
Natural gas:
Natural gas is a fossil fuel formerd over million off years geological pressure and changes. It is mixture of hydrocarbons gases that occur with petroleum deposits principally methane together with varying quantities of ethane propane butane and other gasesand is used as a fuel and in the manufacturing of organic compounds. When burned it is one of team cleanest and most power ful forms of energy available. Though it primarily consist of methane there are other hydrocarbons can be used as various sources of energy.
Major forms of natural gas:
CNG stands for com pressed natural gas. It is safe fuel source that is commonly used in homes and businesses for heating lighting and cooking. CNG can be used as a fuel in cars d other vehicles displacing gasoline and Diesel with slight modifications to the fuel lines and tanks.
CNG is safe and quite BECUASE it is lighter than air and disperses quickly in case of a leaks or sprill. Its ignition temperature is higher than that of gasoline or diesel. Heavy duty natural gas vehicles are also up to 80% quieterthan the equivalent vehicle running on diesel..
LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. In a gaseous state at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature LPG becomes a liquid at 15%c when pressure is lowred to between 1.7 and 7.5 bar. This facilitates both storage and transportation. Industry experts predicted that there will be enough LPG to satisfy anticipated demand for all uses in the foreseeable future.
LPG supply comes from two sources 66% is automatically generated from gas field as an associated gas when natural gas is extracted from the reservoir. A balance of 34% comes frome crude oil refining as about by product of the cracking process....
Natural gas is a fossil fuel formerd over million off years geological pressure and changes. It is mixture of hydrocarbons gases that occur with petroleum deposits principally methane together with varying quantities of ethane propane butane and other gasesand is used as a fuel and in the manufacturing of organic compounds. When burned it is one of team cleanest and most power ful forms of energy available. Though it primarily consist of methane there are other hydrocarbons can be used as various sources of energy.
Major forms of natural gas:
CNG stands for com pressed natural gas. It is safe fuel source that is commonly used in homes and businesses for heating lighting and cooking. CNG can be used as a fuel in cars d other vehicles displacing gasoline and Diesel with slight modifications to the fuel lines and tanks.
CNG is safe and quite BECUASE it is lighter than air and disperses quickly in case of a leaks or sprill. Its ignition temperature is higher than that of gasoline or diesel. Heavy duty natural gas vehicles are also up to 80% quieterthan the equivalent vehicle running on diesel..
LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. In a gaseous state at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature LPG becomes a liquid at 15%c when pressure is lowred to between 1.7 and 7.5 bar. This facilitates both storage and transportation. Industry experts predicted that there will be enough LPG to satisfy anticipated demand for all uses in the foreseeable future.
LPG supply comes from two sources 66% is automatically generated from gas field as an associated gas when natural gas is extracted from the reservoir. A balance of 34% comes frome crude oil refining as about by product of the cracking process....
Petroleum is a general term for crude oil and natural gas. Primary source of automative fuels and lubricant oils. Thought to have been formed from decomposition of animal and vegetables life under heat and pressure during geologic periods it occur usually in deep rock but sometimes near to the surfeve. When refined it produced hundred of petrochemical that are converted into unlimited products with new ones appearing continually. In most oil fields oil and natural gas occur together gas being the top layer on crude oil under which may lay water.
Top four largest oil deposits in the world: oil reserve left for about 40 years.
1 The piceance & unit basins USA discovery date: 1912
Est total resources: 2.855 trillion barrels Est remaining: 2.855 trillion barrels.
The total area covered by the deposits is about 41440sq. Kms.
2 The Orinoco belt Venezuela discovery date: 1930s
Est total resources: 1.3. Trillion barrels. Est remaining : 530 billion barrels...
3 The Alberta oil stans Canada discovery date: 1980
Est total resources: 173 billion barrels Est remaining: 169 billion barrels.
4 Ghawar Saudi Arabia discovery date: 1948
Est total resources: 162 billion barrels Est remaining: 107 billion barrels
Petroleum is a general term for crude oil and natural gas. Primary source of automative fuels and lubricant oils. Thought to have been formed from decomposition of animal and vegetables life under heat and pressure during geologic periods it occur usually in deep rock but sometimes near to the surfeve. When refined it produced hundred of petrochemical that are converted into unlimited products with new ones appearing continually. In most oil fields oil and natural gas occur together gas being the top layer on crude oil under which may lay water.
Top four largest oil deposits in the world: oil reserve left for about 40 years.
1 The piceance & unit basins USA discovery date: 1912
Est total resources: 2.855 trillion barrels Est remaining: 2.855 trillion barrels.
The total area covered by the deposits is about 41440sq. Kms.
2 The Orinoco belt Venezuela discovery date: 1930s
Est total resources: 1.3. Trillion barrels. Est remaining : 530 billion barrels...
3 The Alberta oil stans Canada discovery date: 1980
Est total resources: 173 billion barrels Est remaining: 169 billion barrels.
4 Ghawar Saudi Arabia discovery date: 1948
Est total resources: 162 billion barrels Est remaining: 107 billion barrels
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
cotton seed
Cotton seeds:
It is a by product of cotton cultivated for fiber. Oil is extracted from the cotton seed it is good substitute of animal fat. It is now the cheif ingredients of vegetables ghee and margarine in many countries. It is also used for cooking in salad dressing and soup making. The chief production countries are USA China India France CIS Common wealth to independent states Egypt and Pakistan.
Physical properties:
Once processed cottonseed oil has a mild taste and appears generally clear with a light golden color the amount of color depending on the amount of refining. It has a relatively high smoke point as a frying medium. Like other long chain fatty acid oil cottonseed oil has a smoke point of about 450 F° (232 C°).
Use in foods:
Cottonseed oil has traditional been used in foods such as potato chips and it's a primary ingredients in crisco the crisco the shortening product. But since it is significantly less expensive than olive oil or canola oil cottonseed has started to creep into a much wider range of processed foods including cereals bread and snack foods. Cottonseed oil resists rancidity so offers a longer shelf life for food product in which it is an ingredients...
It is a by product of cotton cultivated for fiber. Oil is extracted from the cotton seed it is good substitute of animal fat. It is now the cheif ingredients of vegetables ghee and margarine in many countries. It is also used for cooking in salad dressing and soup making. The chief production countries are USA China India France CIS Common wealth to independent states Egypt and Pakistan.
Physical properties:
Once processed cottonseed oil has a mild taste and appears generally clear with a light golden color the amount of color depending on the amount of refining. It has a relatively high smoke point as a frying medium. Like other long chain fatty acid oil cottonseed oil has a smoke point of about 450 F° (232 C°).
Use in foods:
Cottonseed oil has traditional been used in foods such as potato chips and it's a primary ingredients in crisco the crisco the shortening product. But since it is significantly less expensive than olive oil or canola oil cottonseed has started to creep into a much wider range of processed foods including cereals bread and snack foods. Cottonseed oil resists rancidity so offers a longer shelf life for food product in which it is an ingredients...
The olive is a fruit a tree grown in the Mediterranean lands southern Europe north Africa and south west Asia. It thrive best in Mediterranean climate hot dry summer cool and moist winters. Olive trees take 15 to 20 years to mature and then yield continuously for 100 years. The fruits are HARested in summer and processed immediately to maintain quality. Oil is extracted from olive fruits it is mainly used for cooking oil and salad. It is the finest and most highly priced of the edible oils.
The principal olive oil producing countries are the Mediterranean countries such as Italy Spain Greece Portugal France Turkey Tunisia Syria and Morocco. A small quantity it is also produced in California USA. Though it is used in small quantities in all parts of the world but the producing areas are the main consuming areas....
The olive is a fruit a tree grown in the Mediterranean lands southern Europe north Africa and south west Asia. It thrive best in Mediterranean climate hot dry summer cool and moist winters. Olive trees take 15 to 20 years to mature and then yield continuously for 100 years. The fruits are HARested in summer and processed immediately to maintain quality. Oil is extracted from olive fruits it is mainly used for cooking oil and salad. It is the finest and most highly priced of the edible oils.
The principal olive oil producing countries are the Mediterranean countries such as Italy Spain Greece Portugal France Turkey Tunisia Syria and Morocco. A small quantity it is also produced in California USA. Though it is used in small quantities in all parts of the world but the producing areas are the main consuming areas....
Monday, 6 June 2016
energy&power resources
Energy is the ability to do work I.e the more energy a device has the more work it can do. When we say that something has energy, we mean that it is capable of producing heat or exerting a force one something else and doing work on it.
Power is work over time. The power is how much work can be done in a unit time. Or
Power is how much energy is used in a unit of time e.g Kilowatts per Hour.
There are two types of resources of energy in the world renewable energy resources and non renewable energy resources.
Suitability and availability of the resources:
There are pros and cons in using both renewable energy resources and non renewable energy resources. First let s look at renewable energy. The obvious advantage of it is that wind sun ocean and geothermal energy is in abundance and completely free of charge. Secondly renewable energy source have very low or zero carbon emissions so they are environment friendly. Thirdly it isn't necessary to rely on any country to supply renewable energy resources unlike its non renewable counterparts.
However things are not all so easy with renewable energy resources. First of all it is quite difficult set up to get any of these resources to generate energy and the starting costs can be a huge amount comparatively. As in the case of solar energy it can only be generated during the day which completely excuses night time and the rainy season. And to utilize wind energy we have to depend on strong winds so choosing the right place for the set up can be challenging.
The obvious advantage of non renewable energy resources is that they are ready cheap and easy to use. It is also cheap to convert one non renewable energy type to another. However a major disadvantages of non renewable energy source is that are finite and will expire sometimes in the future petroleum 40 years , Natural gas 165 years , Coal 416 years.this will make a price of these energy sources increase dramatically. They also cause servers environmental changes and are in a large way responsible for climate change and global warming. Non renewable energy resources can have a serious impact on human health as they are certainly not environmentally friendly.
Saturday, 4 June 2016
agricultural resources
Agricultural resources:
The science or occupation of cultivating land and rearing crops and livestock..
The term agricultural resources means:
All the primary means of production including the land soil water air plant communities watersheds human resources natural and physical attributes and man made development which together comprise the agricultural community.
All the benefits dervied from agricultural lands and enterprise including cultivated and gathered food products fibers horticulture products dyes cultural or religious condiments medicine water aesthetic and other traditional values of agricultural.
Food resources:
Food resources means any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. They are usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates,fats,protein, vitamins, or minerals.
For a long history people secured their food through two method hunting and gathering. And agricultural provided them a better way for getting food. Today most, of the food energy consumed by the world population is supplied by the food industry.
What is crop?
A crop can be defined as The growing of plants on a large scale for food clothing industrial purpose and for other human uses. They are grown to be harvested as food livestock fodder fuel or for any other commercial purpose I.e. for use as dyes medicinal and cosmetic use.
On basis of their use the crops may be classified into two broad groups.
Food crops:
1 cereals: wheat,rice,maize,millet,rye,oats,barley,sorghum.
2 beverages:
3 others:
Tobacco, Sugarcane,oil seeds etc.
4 perishable items:
Vegetables, fruits etc.
Industrial crops:
1 fiber crops:
Cotton,jute,hemp,flax,silk and wool.
2 miscellaneous:
Some important crops included in this chapter:
Wheat, Rice,Sugarcane, Tea,Edible oils, Cotton and Rubber..
The science or occupation of cultivating land and rearing crops and livestock..
The term agricultural resources means:
All the primary means of production including the land soil water air plant communities watersheds human resources natural and physical attributes and man made development which together comprise the agricultural community.
All the benefits dervied from agricultural lands and enterprise including cultivated and gathered food products fibers horticulture products dyes cultural or religious condiments medicine water aesthetic and other traditional values of agricultural.
Food resources:
Food resources means any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. They are usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates,fats,protein, vitamins, or minerals.
For a long history people secured their food through two method hunting and gathering. And agricultural provided them a better way for getting food. Today most, of the food energy consumed by the world population is supplied by the food industry.
What is crop?
A crop can be defined as The growing of plants on a large scale for food clothing industrial purpose and for other human uses. They are grown to be harvested as food livestock fodder fuel or for any other commercial purpose I.e. for use as dyes medicinal and cosmetic use.
On basis of their use the crops may be classified into two broad groups.
Food crops:
1 cereals: wheat,rice,maize,millet,rye,oats,barley,sorghum.
2 beverages:
3 others:
Tobacco, Sugarcane,oil seeds etc.
4 perishable items:
Vegetables, fruits etc.
Industrial crops:
1 fiber crops:
Cotton,jute,hemp,flax,silk and wool.
2 miscellaneous:
Some important crops included in this chapter:
Wheat, Rice,Sugarcane, Tea,Edible oils, Cotton and Rubber..
textile industry development in india
Today textile is the largest organized industry in india. It employees more than 35 million workers and has more than 34 spindles and 2 million looms. More significantly it is one of India major sources of forgein exchange, being the second largest exporting largest exporting industry and accounting for about 20 percent of the total foreign exchange earning of the country. Indian textile are exported all over the worls. In fact the marked increase in the export of finished goods and garments is the most note worthy and encouraging features of the Indian cotton industry emergency on the world markets.
Major areas:
Maharashtra&Gujarat, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and U.P.
Major areas:
Maharashtra&Gujarat, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and U.P.
textile industry development in China
textile industry development in China:
China textile and appeal industry is an important livelihood and pillar industries in order to make a great contributions to national economic development. China is the wotrls largest textile and clothing and the largest fiber production, processing and manufacturing county. Since 2000 China textile industry after eight years of rapid development textile fiber processing volume from 2000 to 13.6 million tons reached in 2008 about 36 million tons according for 40% of the world. Over the past eight years an increase of 22.4 million tons is 1.7 time the past 50 years China per capita fiber consumption of 6.6 kilograms from 2000 to 2008 has reached 15 kilograms the textile industry has become a pillar industry of national economic development and people livelohood industries. China textile and garment industry is the people livelihood of the agro industry.
Major areas:
Shanghai, Manchuria, Tientsin, Hankow, Canton and Naking....
Friday, 3 June 2016
fishing industry/ fishery
A place where fish is bred a fish hatechery
The occupation or an industry of catching processing or selling fish or shellfish. Or
A work place where fish are caught and processed and sold.
It is the techniques occupation Or diversions of catching fish.
After gathering and with hunting fishing is a ore historic practice of ancient man. At that time fishing was a major source of food. The old river Nile was full of fish fresh and dried fish were a staple food for much of the population. Fishing techniques include hand gathering. Fishing with spear and many others.
The fish industry includes any industry or activity concerned with taking,culturing, processing, preserving,storing,transporting,marketing or selling fish or fish products.
Directly or indirectly the livelihood of over 500 million people in developing countries depends on fisheries and aquaculture.
A place where fish is bred a fish hatechery
The occupation or an industry of catching processing or selling fish or shellfish. Or
A work place where fish are caught and processed and sold.
It is the techniques occupation Or diversions of catching fish.
After gathering and with hunting fishing is a ore historic practice of ancient man. At that time fishing was a major source of food. The old river Nile was full of fish fresh and dried fish were a staple food for much of the population. Fishing techniques include hand gathering. Fishing with spear and many others.
The fish industry includes any industry or activity concerned with taking,culturing, processing, preserving,storing,transporting,marketing or selling fish or fish products.
Directly or indirectly the livelihood of over 500 million people in developing countries depends on fisheries and aquaculture.
Pakistan is a land of abundant natural resources. A country blessed with enchanting beauty. It has got all the natural wonder from hot dessert to freezing glaciers plains to mountain ranges coastal areas to forests beautiful lakes to long rivers. In Pakistan BECUASE water is scarce irrigation has become a neccessity. Both ground water and surface water is used for irrigation. Wells, tube wells and karez tap the ground water.canals diversion canals and sailable irrigation through flood water are used to re channel the surface water flowing into streams.
Lift irrigation:
One of the oldest method of irrigation in Pakistan is lift irrigation. In early times water was lifted by hand in a bucket attached to a shallow wells and ditches.BECUASE it involved a considerable amount of labour only a small area of land could be irrigated.
An improved in this method was effected with the shaduf. The shaduf consists of a bucket suspended by a rope from one ends of a pole. A weight like a rock is placed at the other end of the pole. The pole is suspended on a y shaped post at a well or a river bank. The bucket is dipped into the water by hand and the weight at the other end of the pole helps to lift it up.
Tube wells:
tube wells can tap water up to depths of several hundred meters and is operated by diesel or electric motors. In 1947 there were virtually no tube wells in Pakistan. The tube well emerged as an effective means of irrigation in 1953-54 when 0.2 million hectares of land were irrigated with this method. Since then it has made steady progress. From the mid 1960 to today tube wells have become the leading means of irrigation after canals. In 1999-2000 tube wells of very large tractas of land like canal irrigation........
Lift irrigation:
One of the oldest method of irrigation in Pakistan is lift irrigation. In early times water was lifted by hand in a bucket attached to a shallow wells and ditches.BECUASE it involved a considerable amount of labour only a small area of land could be irrigated.
An improved in this method was effected with the shaduf. The shaduf consists of a bucket suspended by a rope from one ends of a pole. A weight like a rock is placed at the other end of the pole. The pole is suspended on a y shaped post at a well or a river bank. The bucket is dipped into the water by hand and the weight at the other end of the pole helps to lift it up.
Tube wells:
tube wells can tap water up to depths of several hundred meters and is operated by diesel or electric motors. In 1947 there were virtually no tube wells in Pakistan. The tube well emerged as an effective means of irrigation in 1953-54 when 0.2 million hectares of land were irrigated with this method. Since then it has made steady progress. From the mid 1960 to today tube wells have become the leading means of irrigation after canals. In 1999-2000 tube wells of very large tractas of land like canal irrigation........
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